Cancer battler makes video diary to cheer herself up | 癌症女孩拍短视频“抗癌日记”为自己加油

Since her diagnosis in 2018, Peng Lili, a 32-year-old lung cancer patient, has made more than 500 short videos to record her story of fighting cancer. Her biggest wish, she said, was to live until she was 60 so as to "repay my debt of gratitude before I quit."


▲ Peng Lili in livestream   Photo by Liu Bin

Not wanting to be a burden to others, Peng began to sell goods through livestreaming on Douyin in July 2020. Although the profits from such products are not high, she insists that she is responsible for the products she recommends, so only those she has personally tried and found worth recommending will be sold in the livestreaming room. "I hope that people are not placing their orders out of sympathy, but that these products are really useful to them, which makes me feel a sense of achievement."


Peng registered as a volunteer organ donor last year. "Society has helped me a lot and I hope I can repay society in this way," she said.


(Edited by Nie Yang)

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